The Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments CDBG Program allocates HUD sponsored federal funds to aid communities in Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan counties with housing and community development projects. Grants may be used to purchase, construct, or rehabilitate affordable housing; construct public infrastructure such as culinary water systems, roads, waterway systems; or purchase property or replacements for non-profit service organizations. Projects must primarily benefit low- to moderate-income populations.
The CDBG is one of the longest-running programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Program Year 2024
The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program is a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development designed to help communities address critical needs that benefit low- to moderate-income households. Grants may be used, but not limited to; purchase, construct, or rehabilitate affordable housing; construct public infrastructure such as culinary water systems, roads, or wastewater systems; or purchase or property or improvements for non-profit service organizations.
Organizations interested in applying for CDBG funds must attend a mandatory ‘How To Apply’ workshop.
The 2024 Program Year ‘How To Apply’ workshops will be held on:
Tuesday October 24, 2023 @1:00 pm
648 S Hideout Way
Monticello, UT 84535
Wednesday October 25, 2023 @9:00 am
375 S Carbon Ave (Atrium)
Price, UT 84501
You must RSVP for this event. In-person seating will be provided first-come, first-served.
Contact Tamara Dockstader, CDBG Program Manager at (435) 613-0029 to RSVP or for more information.
Applications will be due to the State of Utah on January 31st, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. MST.
The CARES Act authorized the State of Utah to receive approximately $3.2 million through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant. The $3.2 million was allocated to only the Small Cities Program of Utah, of which Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan Counties are a part of – along with another 22 counties. Southeastern Utah is expecting to receive approximately $465,299 of the $3.2 million.
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments is the entity that will be administering the $465,299 in the region and have recently decided through a board vote on what the funding will be allocated towards. A portion, $85,000, of the funding is set-aside to assist food banks in Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan Counties during the COVID19 epidemic. The food banks have been hit hard during the epidemic as there has been an increase of clients as well as food shortages. Other funding, $75,000, has been authorized for use of testing through the Southeast Utah Health Department and San Juan Health to test higher risk populations for COVID19 as well as the purchase and supply of masks to businesses and customers. The majority of the funding, approximately $258,000 will be used to assist local businesses in Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan Counties with grant funding and a business online training on resiliency and management after an epidemic like COVID19. The grant funding will be a competitive process for $5,000 which could be used to pay rent/utilities, immediate operating costs such as PPE, diversification of business, and other eligible uses of grant funding.
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments will hold a Public Hearing on March 23, 2023, at 12:00 pm or soon thereafter at 375 S Carbon Avenue, Price, Utah 84501, to take comments on the 2022 Annual Action Plan which can be reviewed at http://seualgutahov.wpengine.
In compliance with the Disability Act, individuals wishing to attend this meeting and who require special accommodations should contact Tamara Dockstader at 435 613-0029 at least five (5) working days prior to the meeting.
CDBG Reports & Forms
The Consolidated Plan is created and updated as part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. To see the most recent copy of the plan click on the button.
CDBG Rating and Ranking
To qualify for funding through the CDBG program an application follows the Rating and Ranking Policies. To see them click on the button.
Contact Tamara Dockstader
Awarded Projects
Blanding City
Castle Valley
Grand County
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Administration & Planning
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Community Development Planning
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Single Family Housing Rehabilitation
Bluff Town
Bluff Community Center Remodel
Blanding City
Central Park Pickleball Courts
Huntington City
Fire Department Equipment (Phase 2)
Castle Dale
Castle Ridge Behavioral Health Gym
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Single Family Housing Rehabilitation
Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Community Development Planning
Castle Dale City
Ghost Road Walking Path
Huntington City
Fire Department Equipment
Southeastern Utah ALG
Building Engineering and Design
Southeastern Utah ALG
Southeastern Utah ALG
Single Family Rehabilitation
East Carbon City
Carbon Medical Services
Client Parking Lot
Emery Town
Fire Department Equipment
Wellington City
Master Water Meters
Ferron City
Fairground Restrooms
Southeastern Utah ALG
SE UT Com. Devel. Corp.
Housing Land Acquisition
Southeastern Utah ALG
Southeastern Utah ALG
Single Family Rehabilitation
Bluff Town
Water System Study
Moab City
Public Facilities Improvements
Price City
Public Facilities Improvements
Wellington City
Fire Department Equipment
Castle Dale City
Recreation Facilities Improvements
Huntington City
Public Facilities Improvements
Carbon County Housing Authority
Housing Improvements
Southeastern Utah ALG
Administration & Consolidated Plan
Southeastern Utah ALG
Housing Programs
Grand County
Wingate Village Infrastructure
Castle Dale City
Fire Department Equipment
Southeastern Utah ALG
Administration & Consolidated Plan
Southeastern Utah ALG
Housing Programs
San Juan County
Elevator added to County Courthouse
Southeastern Utah ALG
Administration & Consolidated Plan
Southeastern Utah ALG
Housing Programs
Moab City
Housing Authority of Southeastern Utah: Kane Creek Acquisition
Southeastern Utah ALG
Administration & Consolidated Plan
Southeastern Utah ALG
Housing Programs