Transportation Planning News & Outreach

Regional Transportation News

A new bus line will soon offer free transportation along 18 stops between Old Spanish Trail Arena and Lions Park. The bus will run along Main Street, operating from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week in Moab, Utah.

Read more:Moab Times-Independent – Moab People Mover to offer free transport through town

Bus tour photo

What Do You Feel Are Transportation Needs For Southeast Utah

Transportation is a vital need no matter where we are.  Each of us would love to have each of our transportation needs met.

The purpose of this post is to gain some feedback from the public on what you feel are the transportation needs for Southeast Utah (namely Carbon, Emery, Grand and San Juan Counties). These needs may range from; more buses and vans for elderly or disabled individuals to get to and from non-emergency medical appointments, or transportation for people with low incomes to get to and from work, a fixed route bus system to serve the more densely populated areas, or any other transit related issue.

Share what you feel are transit needs for the area below.

Also you can share your thoughts and ideas about the new free bus system in Moab

11 Replies to “Transportation Planning News & Outreach”

  1. Link-on affordable public transportation so one can get from one city/area to another w/o owning a car

    Publicize & review expenditures i.e. Life Elevated bus was too big & expensive & not well marketed from my perspective

  2. Transportation is much needed for citizens without vehicles this would be any age group, elderly, and especially employees that work in the service industry. Getting around the town of Moab, and going to smaller towns in Southeast Utah. And utilizing a smaller more efficient vehicle rather than a larger bus. Back in Pennsylvania, we had a service for seniors that allowed them to purchase a discounted pass to use for shopping, doctors appointments, church etc. This might be something to consider, the same discounted pass could be for employees, students or any county resident.

  3. Some type of public transportation is needed throughout the local area. Some type of bus system would be of great benefit to those local citizens that do not have transportation due to what ever reason.

  4. Much need in Carbon County would be a great help for those who no transportation or anyone who can take them.

  5. What Do You Feel Are Transportation Needs For Southeast Utah:
    Our transportation needs are among all ages that relate to education, employment, medical, food, shelter, and activities. Our county is spread among miles of roads and highways that directly link our people to these services. If a family lives in Helper and they have to travel to Price, but have no vehicle, their only choice would be to walk Hwy 6 or Carbonville Rd. We have a very high poverty rate in Carbon and Emery County. The rate is directly affected by lack of transportation to and from employment. If an individual could make it to work on time, when expected, they may have an opportunity to stay employed. Once employment is stable then their finances could help them afford private transportation. I firmly believe that transportation would reduce poverty risk factors and decrease unemployment rates.

  6. My personal feelings on this issue is that we have a huge amount of families that are near or at the poverty level. If we get a reliable and affordable transportation company to help this community it will help provide for there families and for a stable future! Our community is vital to our success!

  7. This would be a plus all the way around. There are many people who do not have the means of their own transportation.

  8. Would like to see affordable services for those without a vehicle to get to work, doctors’s appointments, etc. and once they get on their feet with their job, a way where they can afford private transportation. Not having a “reliable” source of transportation could mean no work for some.

  9. I recently spoke with someone who lives in West Virginia in a small spread out county such as ours. They could not persuade a company to open a bus company at the fare the community could afford.
    They battled many of the same issues we have here.
    They came up with adults riding school buses with the older kids and if you had kids on the younger buses you could ride with them. The buses made 3 extra stops per bus, to let adults off, per bus route. Charged a minimal fee and that paid for most of the buses gasoline. After school adults ride home, 4 other buses ran in the evening of needed, North, South, East, West, ran at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. and local factories and employers would work people so they could get to and from work by the buses. Churches picked up a big majority of seniors, people going to treatment, again for a small fee, she said they ran on Monday, Wendsday, Friday and had a central call center to field calls for all buses, info, liability, payment and so on. At first people had to have a referral from a boss, clergy, doctor, therapy, teacher or other official to sponsor them to ride for a small charge. Just a thought?

  10. As director of the Carbon County senior centers, I see a great need for transportation for seniors. Many seniors are no longer able to drive and depend on the senior vans, friends and family to get them where they need to go (shopping and other business needs, medical appointments etc.). The senior centers are in need of new vehicles to keep the transportation portion of the center functioning properly.
    There is also a great need for younger and those with handicapping conditions for reliable transportation. The center receives calls quite regularly for people needing transportation that do not qualify for senior transportation services. We also receive calls from people needing transportation to the Wasatch front for medical appointments.

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