Below are a collection of the final draft documents that the East Carbon City Planning Commission has completed. You are welcome to view and comment on them. A paper copy of each chapter below is also available at East Carbon City Hall. It is advised that if you have an interest in these documents that you attend the planning commission meetings to voice your input. Contact East Carbon City for meeting times and dates at 435-888-6613
Please be advised that these documents are not approved yet by east carbon city and these represent The Final drafts of what may be approved after the public hearing held with the Planning commission and the following city council meeting, where the council will chose to adopt them, amend them or reject them. The official copies of these drafts are the property of East Carbon City. Only the official copies will be viewed by The Planning Commission when making changes, when they are put forth for a Public Hearing and when they are brought before the City council for potential approval.
My question is about parking on the streets. If you have cars parked on both sides of the street is it possible to get a fire truck or ambulance down the street. Also people have multiple cars and park them on the sidewalks. Why should we not have no street parking allowed at all. November is usually the month that starts no street parking. I don’t believe I saw anything about that in The residential part of your document. Thank you in advance for your answer.
Thank you for your comment. For answers to your questions you should ask the planning commission members or city staff. The no street parking in winter months I believe has to do with the city being able to properly remove snow. As far as no parking on the streets year round that would be an issue that you would have to bring up with city council