Aging Program & Area Agency on Aging
What is the Veteran Directed Home and Community Based Service Program?
This program is offered to veterans who are interested in, and capable of directing their own care. This program allows the Veteran the option of privately employing a caregiver to provide attendant care level services. The Veterans Administration determines the veteran’s initial eligibility for this program.
What is the Medicaid Waiver Program?
Medicaid Waiver helps provide services to people who would otherwise be in a nursing home or hospital to receive long-term care in the community. The goal is to assist seniors who meet nursing home admission requirements but wish to remain in a home setting, to do so in a safe manner. The program offers a variety of in-home services available to adults based on an assessment of their needs.
The New Choices Waiver Program
This waiver is designed to serve people who meet nursing facility level of care and who have been residing long term in a nursing facility or assisted living facility. The program provides supportive services to enable individuals to live in their own homes or in other community-based settings. For more information click here

For More Information About These Programs Contact:
Shawna Horrocks
Aging Program Manager
Debbie Riche
Aging Program Specialist
What is the Home and Community Based Alternative Program?
The Alternative program provides in-home services to eligible Utah residents with the objective of preventing the premature or unnecessary placement of individuals in nursing homes. If these services were not available, these seniors who have health, mobility or functional limitations would not be able to continue living in their current living arrangements. The program offers a variety of in-home services available to adults based on an assessment of their needs.
What is the Utah Caregiver Support Program?
The Utah Caregiver Support Program provides “Respite Care” for individuals caring for homebound seniors. This is a short term program offering a variety of in-home services based on assessed needs. Caregivers are also provided with services and information linking them to available resources within the community.

To Learn More About Caregiver Support or Alternatives Programs Contact:
Wendy Fauver
Alternatives & Care Giver Program
What is SHIP?
The Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIP) is a free service to help people who are eligible or will soon be eligible, for Medicare. SHIP can answer those individuals health insurance questions related to; Medicare Prescription Drug Program, Social Security, Medicaid, and Medigap Insurance. Individual counseling is provided as well as group outreach presentations.
What does the Ombudsman do?
An Ombudsman is a screened and trained individual of the State of Utah Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. Ombudsmen are authorized by Federal and State laws to receive complaints, investigate complaint allegations and then resolve those complaints on the behalf of residents of long-term care facilities (i.e. nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and intermediate care facilities for intellectually disabled). A Ombudsman’s primary duty is to be an advocate for the resident.
To Find Out More What The Ombudsman & SHIP Coordinator Can Do For You Contact:
Bill Engle
Ombudsman & SHIP Coordinator

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